equity, diversity and inclusion policy
CAPAS acknowledges the value of every identity, every background and every heritage. Building on these humane foundations, we make it our duty to apply the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in a sustainable and committed way, both in our practices and in our interactions with the cultural and artistic ecosystems in which we operate.
Our commitment is based on charters, research and fundamental human principles, in order to develop an approach that evolves with time. While our EDI policy cannot take the place of a norm, it certainly represents our philosophy and action plan.
Equity: “[A] principle and process that promotes fair conditions for all persons to fully participate in society. It recognizes that while all people have the right to be treated equally, not all experience equal access to resources, opportunities or benefits. Achieving equality does not necessarily mean treating individuals or groups in the same way, but may require the use of specific measures to ensure fairness.”
Source: “Equity”, Glossary, Canada Council for the Arts
Diversity: “[A] group of individuals who differ in their identity; geographic, cultural or religious origin; age, sex, gender or sexual orientation; academic discipline; etc.”
Source: “EDI 101”, Le Réseau québécois pour l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion (RQEDI)
Inclusion: “[T]aking steps to establish an environment in which diversity is respected and all members of the community are fully integrated and supported in ways that promote their well-being and achievement. It means making a sustained commitment to welcome, integrate and support members of designated groups and help them advance.”
Source: “EDI 101”, Le Réseau québécois pour l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion (RQEDI)
Equity groups: “Equity groups are communities that face major collective challenges to participation in society. This marginalization may be caused by attitudinal, historical, social or environmental barriers based on age, ethnicity, disability, economic status, gender, nationality, race, sexual orientation, trans-identity status, etc. opportunity and resources because of the disadvantage and discrimination they face. Their goal is social justice and compensation."
Source: “Equity Groups”, Glossary, Canada Council for the Arts
Internal objectives
In our view, progress towards a more open and respectful society begins with a workplace that deploys such values on a daily basis through reasoned and fluid targets.
Ensure dignity and autonomy to each individual within CAPAS.
Fight discrimination, harassment or any appearance of abuse or exclusion.
Create an accessible and welcoming space where each individual can develop to his or her full potential.
Educate ourselves in order to constantly evolve towards a practice that takes into account the perspectives, knowledge and experiences of all walks of life.
Act proactively to develop inclusive practices that promote equity and oppose erasure or domination.
Put EDI principles into practice at every stage of an individual's journey within CAPAS (recruitment, promotion, conflict, departure, etc.).
Position ourselves intelligently as allies when indirect diversity issues and concerns arise.
External objectives
Since CAPAS actively interacts with its sector, we feel it is essential to encourage the implementation of these values on a systemic scale, while at the same time making our commitment evolve through contact with other EDI practices. To achieve this, we have set targets based on dialogue and listening.
Promote the values of equity, diversity and inclusion in our external activities.
Act with transparency and encourage the same transparency with our customers and partners.
Participate in community education on EDI values, while recognizing that diversity groups remain the experts on their own issues.
Support our customers and partners in adopting and implementing inclusive and ethical policies.
Periodically renew CAPAS' duty of introspection in light of the updated needs of diversity communities.
Remain vigilant against any effects of systemic discrimination within its sector (racism, patriarchy, ableism, machismo, colonialism, etc.).
To anchor our commitment in reality, CAPAS implements concrete measures that materialize an inclusive environment.
Procurement: promote the acquisition of goods and services from suppliers who adopt an inclusive and equitable approach.
Communications: develop and apply communication tools geared towards inclusion, adapting them to the realities of our clienteles and partners.
Living environment: maintain inclusive and respectful physical and virtual spaces for staff, where their individual backgrounds are valued and put to good use.
Governance: propose and implement new strategic orientations in line with a better EDI policy.
Human resources: offer confidential processes for individuals to report any form of discrimination, and provide appropriate support for victims in line with CAPAS' Policy on Psychological or Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Complaints Handling.
Awareness: train CAPAS staff and Board members to raise awareness of diversity issues and unconscious bias.
Zero tolerance: impose internal disciplinary measures or external contractual penalties for any discriminatory behavior.
Through our ties with the artistic and cultural milieu, we interact with organizations and individuals involved in social debate: we make it our duty to put this proximity to good use. In this way, the members of our staff carry our commitment into their mandates, being called upon to :
Adopt behaviors that respect diversity and promote inclusion and equity;
Make and maintain the necessary efforts to ensure a work environment and professional activities that guarantee respect for the identity of other staff members, customers and partners;
Recognize the equal value of all forms of artistic and cultural expression;
Suggest improvements to our practices as our knowledge and awareness of EDI grows;
Support our partners and customers in implementing sustainable EDI initiatives;
Update our practices periodically or as needed, and motivate our partners and customers to act accordingly;
Disseminate reliable information related to our sectors of activity in order to stimulate community reflection on inclusion and equity.
We recognize that CAPAS is located on the unceded aboriginal territory of Tiohtiá:ke of the Kanien'kehá: ka Nation.